109th + 20th Battalion (Central Ontario Battalion)
Age 20
Attestation and other Documents (pdf, 38 pages - 15.5MB)
At 3.55am one Coy 19th Bn ordered to move forward. At 4.40am he reported he had moved up to T.30.B.Central, but owning to no support on his flanks had moved back up to ALBERTA ROAD. At xx:xx am orders issued to “C” Coy 21st Battalion to move forward to Hun lines and bomb down on them. At xx:xx am these orders were cancelled by Brigade, and the Coys were recalled. “A” Coy 20th Battalion had got into trenches without opposition, and 19th Battalion had moved a Coy up to support them. Orders were received for 20th Battalion to occupy the line with two Coys, 19th Battalion in support in WINNIPEG ROAD. This position was occupied at 530pm – No 1 Coy being N. of ARLEUX LOOP and No. 3 Coy to South. A gap of 100 yards on right of No 3 Coy as 1st Cheshires who relieved 1st Devons are back on ALBERTA ROAD. Enemy reported by our patrols as holding trenches and sniping from FRESNOY WOOD. Two Coys of 21st Battalion moved back to SASKATCHEWAN ROAD. Communication giving great trouble, wires continually going out. 20th Battalion runners were not used from the forward Headquarters.