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TitleAuthorPub datePg.Remarks
"A Proper Slaughter":The March 1917 Gas Raid at Vimy RidgeCook, Tim199918Canadian Military History: Vol. 8: Iss. 2, Article 2.
"We Germans... are British Subjects" The First World War and the Curious Case of Berlin Ontario CanadaCampbell, William J.201514Canadian Military History: Vol. 21: Iss. 2, Article 5.
109th clothing, Inspection Reportn/a791916 - 1919
21st Battalion historical Calendern/a191976
72nd Seaforth Highlanders of CanadaMcEvoy, Bernard1920451Illustrations, History of the Unit
73rd Bn War DiaryWWI373War Diary
A Brief History of CEFn/an/a23
A Forgotten Victory: Courcelette, 15 Sep[tember 1916Campbell, David200723Canadian Military History: Vol. 16: Iss. 2, Article 4.
A Lesson in Success- The Calonne Trench Raid 17 January 1917Godefroy, Andrew B.n/a5Aricle only
Armada Writer Tells Romantic Story of Ruse to Discover Position of Hostile Craft and Destruction by AviatorsMacLean's Magazine191510Sam Hughes, German Zeppelin attack on Canadian Convoy, Newspaper Propaganda
Battle Glory of CanadaTucker, A. B.1915194Canadians at the Front, inc. the Battle Ypres
Bombardment of ReimsFerree, Barr1917144Illustrated
Bombers' TrainingFerris, Lt. J. R.191623Application of same in Trench Warfare
Camp Life - Valcartier19151616 Scenes from Camp Life, Photos
Canada and the Battle of Vimy RidgeGreenhous, Brereton1964154Illustrated
Canada in the Great WarDrew, George A, Maj.n/a36Maclean's, Canada's National Mag.
Canada War Effort 1914-1918Director Public Information191832
Canada's Hundred DaysLivesay, J. F. B.1919461With the Canadian Corps from Amiens to Mons, Aug. 6 - Nov. 11, 1918.
Canada's Part in the Great War192155
Canada’s First Armoured UnitPulsifer, Cameron200115Raymond Brutinel and the Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigades of WWI
Canadian Corps Trench Standing OrdersRadcliffe, P. de B.191824Official Manual
Canadian Expeditionary Force 1914 - 1919Nicholson, Col. G.W.L.1962676Official History of the Canadian Army in the First World War
Canadian Forces in the Great War Vol.1Duguid, Col. Fortescue A.1938604Maps and sketches.
Canadian Forces in the Great War Vol.2Duguid, Col. Fortescue A.1938524Maps and sketches.
Canadian Military Heritage, Vol. I.Chartrand, René19932381000 - 1754
Canadian Military Heritage, Vol. II.Chartrand, René19932381755 - 1871
Canadian Military Heritage, Vol. III.Chartrand, René19932521872 - 2000
Canadian Military History Since the 17th CenturyTremblay, Yves2000601Proceedings of the Military History Con.
Canadian Militia prior to Confederation1966115Report No. 6. Directorate of History
Canadian Prisoners of War in the Great WarWiley, William H.19944Canadian Military History: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 21.
Canadian War Memorial Exhibitionn/a49Catalogue
Carrying Canadian TroopsGray, David R.n/a17The Story of RMS Olympic, as a First World War Troopship
Chalmers United ChurchKilpatrick, Rev.Geo.G.D.1933434th Battalion C.E.F. Memorial service
Consolidation of Trenches, Localities and Craters after Assault and Capture, with a note on Rapid WiringGeneral Staff W.O.191630Official Manual, illustrated with sketches
Correspondence of Sir Hughes & BordenCentral Liberal Information Officen/a16
Crossing the Canal: Combined Arms Operations at the Canal du Nord, Sept. - Oct. 1918Borys, David201117Canadian Military History: Vol. 20: Iss. 4, Article 3.
Currie and 1st Canadian Division at Second Ypres April 1915:Travers, Tim199610Canadian Military History: Vol. 5: Iss. 2, Article 2.
Decommission and Redevelopment of Lindsay ArsenalDolby, Doug20092
Did the French Canadians Cause the Conscription Crisis of 1917?Morton, Desmond201515Canadian Military History: Vol. 24: Iss.1, Article 25.
Duguid Volume 2 Appendix Ship TablesDuguid, Col. Fortescue A.n/a23Appendix 122, Plan Embarkation 1.Con.
Duguid, Ships TablesDuguid, Col. Fortescue A.n/a10Appendix 132, Name of Ships
Enlistment in the Canadian Expeditionary Force 1914-1918Sharpe, Chris201545Canadian Military History: Vol. 24: Iss. 1, Article 23.
From Enlistment to the Grave: The Impact of the First World War on 52 Canadian SoldiersWert, Mike200017Canadian Military History: Vol. 9: Iss. 2, Article 4.
From the St. Lawrence to the YserCurry, Frederic C1916220Illustrations and Maps
Geo. T. Yates, XXth Battalion, C.E.F. 1915 - 191812Killed in Action in the Defence of the British Empire and World Democracy...
German 79th Reserve Infantry Division in the Battle of Vimy Ridge, April 1917Dietrich, Alfred200618Canadian Military History: Vol. 15: Iss. 1, Article 7
Germany's Western Front Translations from the German Official History of the Great WarHumphries, Mark Osborne20106Canadian Military History: Vol. 19: Iss. 2, Article 8.
Great War Legacy: A Drum from the 20th BattalionFernberg, Eric20064Canadian Military History: Vol. 15: Iss. 3, Article 6.
Guide to Source Relating to Units of the Canadian Expeditionary ForceArchives Ottawan/a9Pontoon Bridging Transport Units, Canadian Engineers
Guide to Source Relating to Units of the Canadian Expeditionary ForceArchives Ottawan/a737Infantry battalions
Guide to Source Relating to Units of the Canadian Expeditionary ForceArchives Ottawan/a187Canadian Army Medical Corps
Guide to Source Relating to Units of the Canadian Expeditionary ForceArchives Ottawan/a137Canadian Army Service Corps
Guide to Source Relating to Units of the Canadian Expeditionary ForceArchives Ottawan/a12Army Troop Companies, Canadian Engineers
Guide to Source Relating to Units of the Canadian Expeditionary ForceArchives Ottawan/a167Canadian Forestry Corps.
Guide to Source Relating to Units of the Canadian Expeditionary ForceArchives Ottawan/a123Field Companies and Battalions Canadian Engineers
Guide to Source Relating to Units of the Canadian Expeditionary ForceArchives Ottawan/a4Miscellaneous Units Canadian Engineers
Guide to Source Relating to Units of the Canadian Expeditionary ForceArchives Ottawan/a68Reserve Battalions
Guide to Source Relating to Units of the Canadian Expeditionary ForceArchives Ottawan/a177Artillery
Guide to Sources Relating to Canadian Naval Vessels (1909 - 1983)Archives Ottawean/a704Canadian Navy
Guide to Sources relating to the Canadian MilitiaArchives Ottawan/a1028RG - 58, Infantry, Cavalry, Armoured.
Guide to Sources relating to the Canadian MilitiaArchives Ottawan/a1114RG - 59, Artillery
History of the 109th BattalionColthurst, P.191613Written 1916 Witley Camp, Surrey
History of the Canadian MilitiaChambers, Capt. Ernest J.n/a154History of the Orgin and Development
HMCS Prince Robert: The Career of an Armed Merchant CruiserShelley, C.R.199515Canadian Military History: Vol. 4: Iss. 1, Article 5.
Kamerad tritt ein! German Trench Culture - An Aspect of the Human Side of the First World WarFriesen, Bruno20075Canadian Military History: Vol. 16: Iss. 3, Article 6.
Lee Enfield Manualn/a14Manual for No.1 MKIII to No.5 MK I
Military Collectors' Club of Canada - Spring 2015201552Spring Journal 2015, Edition 260
Military CookingGovernment Print191636Illustrated
Munition Resources Commission CanadaCantley, Col. Thos.1920400Final Report of the Work of the Commission, Nov. 1915 - March 1919
Musketry BulletinAmerican Manual191992Illustrated
Needlework and knitting-instructions for First World War VolunteersBritish Red Cross191621Instructions with Illustrations
Notice of Disposition of Claim of Exemption.Official Notice19172Military Service Act, 1917 (832652)
Obituary: Sam Hughes Historical OfficerCook, Tim20035Canadian Military History: Vol. 12: Iss. 2, Article 6.
Officers who served Overseas in the Great War with the Canadian ArtilleryCdn. Artillery Association1922270Covering 1914 - 1919
Operational capability of the American Expeditionary Forces in the World WarBetty, Maj. Joshua M.201464School of Advanced Military Studies
Our Gallant Empire Heroes in the Great Warn/a7The Thriller Presentation Wallet
Over the Top! The Canadian Infantry in the First World WarMeek, John F.1971201
Packing the Tornister (backpack)Chapman, Randalln/a19Backback Model 1895
Phantom German Air Raids on Canada: War Hysteria in Quebec and Ontario during WWIBartholomew, Robert19989Canadian Military History: Vol. 7: Iss. 4, Article 3.
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light InfantryThierens, Michael2008336War Diary
Private Memories, The Iceton BrothersDasl Bello, Vanessan/a60
Regimental Number List of the Canadian Expeditionary ForceLibrary and Archivesn/a49Soldiers of the First World War 1914-18
Report of the Ministry Overseas Military Forces of Canada 1918.Kemp, A. E.n/a601
Rheims and the Battles for its PossessionMichelin & Cie1919183
Ross Rifle Handbook 1907Government Printing190722Including plates
Ross Rifle Manual191424Rifle and Musketry Exercises
Shell and Fuse Scandalsn/a12Taken from the Government Records
Story of the 22nd Battalion, September 15th, 1916: The Capture of Courcelette200711Canadian Military History: Vol. 16: Iss. 2, Article 5.
Sydney and the U-Boat War, 1918Tennyson, Brian199814Canadian Military History: Vol. 7: Iss. 1, Article 4.
Tanks at the Battle of Flers-CourceletteMcEwen, Andrew201117Canadian Military History: Vol. 20: Iss. 4, Article 2.
Technology and the Great WarHyatt, A. M. J.19933Canadian Military History: Vol. 2: Iss. 2, Article 18.
The 1st Canadian Division, in the Battles of 1918191968
The Art of Minor Operations: Canadian Trench Raiding 1915-1918Garnett, Colin201537Canadian Military History: Vol. 24: Iss. 1, Article 30.
The Battle-Fortune of Marshal Hindenburg is not Bound up with the Possession of a Hill: The Germans and Vimy RidgeHerwig, Holger201627Canadian Military History: Vol. 25 : Iss. 2 , Article 16.
The Blind leading the blind: The Battle of the St. Eloi CratersCook, Tim199614Canadian Military History: Vol. 5: Iss. 2, Article 4.
The Canadian Attack at Amiens 8-11 August 1918Chapelle, Dean199315Canadian Military History: Vol. 2: Iss. 2, Article 11.
The Dynamics of Doctrine The Changes in German Tactical Doctrine during the First World WarLupfer, Timothy T.198192US Army Command and General Staff College
The German Airforce in the Great WarNeumann, Maj. Georg P.1920370Translation of German Work
The German War BookMorgan, J.H.1915176
The Great Adventure with the 4th Battery C.F.A.n/a86
The Hastings & Prince Edward Regimental Historyn/an/a34Regimental History
The Illustrated War News. February 16, 1916191652
The Illustrated war News. March 31, 1915191552
The Laying up of the old Colours of the 115th Bn Battalion.19215Trinity Church St. John, N.B.
The Military and "Mob Rule": The CEF Riots in Calgary February 1916)Lackenbauer, P. Whitney200113Canadian Military History: Vol. 10: Iss. 1, Article 4.
The Minor Tactics of Trench WarfareBattye, Major B.C.191624Co-operation of Infantry and Engineers
The Mythology of War: How the Canadian Daily Newspaper Depicted the Great War.Prince, Rober S.1998613
The New German Field Exercise 1888Glünicke, G.J.R.188880Translated into English
The O-Pip, Christmas NumberWills, Corporal H.A.n/a17Monthly, by 58th Battery C.F.A. France
The Origins of WWIDirectorate of History198623
The Reorganization on the Canadian Militia 1919 - 20198638Directorate of History, D.N.D.
The Second Battle of YpresNicholson, Col. G.W.L.201527Canadian Military History: Vol. 24: Iss. 1, Article 28.
The Story of the Great WarReynolds, Francis J.1916722
The Story of the Thirteenth Battalion 1914-17Martin, Stuart191822The Royal Highlanders of Canada
The Story of Vimy RidgeBird, Will R.193225
The Truth About the WarDrew, Maj. George A.192819Maclean's, Canada's National Magazine
Verdun to the VosgesCampbell, Gerald1916316
War Diary 21st BattalionLloyd, Aln/a689
War Scandals of the Borden Governmentn/a32
With a Field Ambulance at YpresBoyd, William1916132Illustrated
Woman in the Production of Munitions in Canada.Imperial Munitions Board191656Text and photos
Your Army Careern/a22A Few Facts for Future Fighting Men!
Zeppelin, The Story of the Great AchievementVissering, Harry1922140American Publication, Illustrated